Affordable Health Insurance Options
Small Business owners in Georgia need affordable health care options. Owning a small business can be a tough challenge and providing health insurance benefits to your employees should not break your budget. Our goal is to provide you - the small business owner - affordable health insurance options for your business.
Small Business Health Insurance
A small business health insurance plan is the most common type of health insurance program for small business owners. The cost of a small business health insurance policy depends on the employee demographics of the company. If the average age of all of your employees is 35, then your group health insurance costs will be more affordable than a company whose average employee age is 45. With healthcare reform small business owners will no longer see their premiums increased due to pre-existing health conditions of their employees. Let us provide your small business an affordable health insurance quote.
Small Business Health Insurance Quotes
Self Funded Health Insurance - An Affordable Option
For many small business owners the Affordable Health Care Act has made health insurance premiums more expensive due to the community rating aspect of health care reform. Any small business with 5 or more employees should consider a self funded policy as an affordable option.
- Poetential saviings of 25% or more on your health insurance premiums!
- Choice of several carriers with quality benefits and physician networks
- Now available to groups with five or more full time employees.
- Opportunity to get money back if medical claims are less than expected.
- Financial protection - if medical claims are unexpectedly high your protected with stop loss insurance.